California LLC Formation
How to Form an LLC in California
California LLC Formation falls under the jurisdiction of the California Secretary of State. If you are interested in the debt protection that incorporating offers you but don’t want to file all that paperwork, an LLC or Limited Liability Company is a good choice for your company. By forming a California LLC, you avoid the double taxation of a corporation, yet enjoy the protection from debt. California state law requires that certain information be contained within the California Articles of Organization in order to process your request to form an LLC in California.
The steps for forming an LLC in California are:
1. The first step in forming a California LLC is to choose what you will name your Limited Liability Company. In California, the name of your LLC is permitted to be similar to another active domestic or foreign entity but it cannot be the same as another LLC’s name. Also, you must choose from one of the approved LLC endings. These endings are Limited Liability Company, Ltd. Liability Co. or the abbreviations LLC or L.L.C. There are some restrictions on certain words in your LLC’s name in California. Some examples of this are "trust," "insurer," and other words having to do with the banking and insurance industry. Check with the California Secretary of State for a full listing of the terms not permitted without approval. can perform a California corporate name search for you.
2. The second step in California LLC formation is to fill out and file California Form LLC-1, the Articles of Organization. You must complete this form in its entirety, taking special care to ensure that all required information is provided.
3. You will need to appoint, in your Articles, a California Registered Agent. This can be an individual or a company; however, a company cannot act as its own Registered Agent. The Registered Agent is required to have a physical address in California; PO Boxes are not accepted. can fill out the California Articles of Organization for you as well as file the form and submit the appropriate California LLC filing fees. Simplify the process and give us a call today to find out how you can speed up the process of forming a California LLC.
If you have questions, feel free to email us at or call toll-free 1-866-992-5425.