Your Nevada Business Name

In Nevada, whether your business name is for an incorporated entity or an unincorporated entity, the name has to be available for use in your jurisdiction. Have Click and Inc perform a name search for your chosen Nevada business name so that you can tell right from the beginning if it’s in use.

But first, you should determine which type of entity you would like to form so that you will know which jurisdiction you’ll need to search: county or state.

Nevada Business Name—County Level

Any type of Fictitious Firm Name in Nevada will be registered at the county level. The business name will not be available for use statewide; your DBA, or Fictitious Firm Name, can only be used in the county in which it was registered.

Below are the three types of Fictitious Firm Names in Nevada that are registered at the county level:

The above entity types will not file with the Secretary of State; they will go directly to their County Clerk’s office to register their business.

Nevada Business Name—State Level

Any incorporated entity will be registered at the state level, and the business name will be available for use statewide. Additionally, no one else will be allowed to incorporate with the same business name as you, regardless of the entity type.

Nevada Startup Quicklinks

For information on other types of businesses in Nevada, please explore the links below.

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