Texas Articles of Incorporation
How to fill out the Texas Certificate of Formation
Texas articles of incorporation can be obtained through the Secretary of State or we can provide them for you. The form needed for creating a corporation in Texas is Form 201, which is formally titled Certificate of Formation For-Profit Corporation. Texas Form 201 is made up of five separate articles, each of which need to be filled out correctly and completely.
Article 1: Entity Name and Type: The first step in filling out the Texas articles of incorporation is to choose the name of your corporation and indicate what type of corporation it is. In choosing a name for your corporation you must be sure to not pick a name which is too close to an already existing Texas corporation. In Texas, no corporation’s first two words can be considerably similar to any existing corporation. Each corporation formed in Texas also requires the selection of one of three endings or their abbreviations. The accepted endings are corporation, company, limited or incorporated.
Article 2: Registered Agent and Registered Office: The registered agent and office must be either an individual resident of Texas or a domestic or foreign entity that is licensed to do business in Texas. It is important to remember that the corporation cannot serve as its own agent. The registered office must be an address where legal notices can be served during business hours. It cannot be a post office box.
Article 3: Directors: Texas articles of incorporation require the naming of at least one director. There are no age or residency requirements for the director. Fill in the name and address of your company’s director in the manner requested on Form 201: first name, middle initial, last name and suffix. No prefix such as Mr. Ms. or Mrs. is to be used.
Article 4: Authorized Shares: You will need to designate the total number of shares in your corporation which will be available for distribution in this section.
Article 5: Purpose: This section merely states that the purpose of your business is a for profit corporation in the state of Texas which adheres to the rules set forth by the Texas Business Organizations code.
Additional sections in the Texas Articles of Incorporation provide space for you to elaborate on any special circumstances or situations within your company. Failing to accurately fill out Form 201 will result in a delay of processing.
Learn how Clickandinc.com can file Texas Articles of corporation for you.
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