Form New Mexico LLC- Limited Liability Company

Advantages of Forming a New Mexico LLC

A state LLC is a legal structure of an organization that allows its owners to obtain personal protection from any legal liabilities the company may incur.

The state of New Mexico offers many benefits and privileges to approved New Mexico LLCs including:

Form a New Mexico Limited Liability Company

Forming a State of New Mexico Limited Liability Company is a simple process. The state has a straightforward list of requirements that are accessible via its state offices, a registered agent or a professional formation company. The procedure will require:

Choosing a Name - The desired name must be unique to any other New Mexico registered business name or reserved on file with the state's division. Once approved, the name is stored in the state's name database for future filing references

Articles of Organization - Filing the articles of organization will require including certain information such as the name of the LLC, name and physical address of the initial registered agent, management type and the name and address of the principals of the organization.