New York LLC Filing Fees
Fees for Forming an LLC in New York
New York LLC filing fees fall under the jurisdiction of the New York Secretary of State’s office. All fees required for forming an LLC in New York are due and payable at the time you file your New York Articles of Organization. can fill out and file all New York LLC paperwork and fees for you, ensuring that no delays result due to incorrectly filled out forms or fees submitted.
The fee for filing the New York Articles of Organization is $200.00. If you’d like to speed up the processing, New York does offer expedited processing at an additional fee. For two hour processing, the fee is an additional $150.00. For same day processing, add on another $75.00. For 24-hour turnaround, tack on an extra $25.00 to your LLC filing fee. A certified copy of your New York Articles of Organization is available for $10.00.
An amendment to or correction of your New York Articles of Organization will carry a fee of $60.00 for each. Serving of process for a Limited Liability Company in New York is $40.00. Remember, in New York the Secretary of State serves as your Registered Agent and serves your company with process it receives on your behalf. If you merge with another LLC, the fee is $60.00. If you choose to convert your LLC to another type of business entity such as a Corporation or Limited Partnership, the fee is $200.00.
The New York Secretary of State’s website has a listing of the entire LLC fee schedule. Remember, can file all New York LLC forms and fees for you.
If you have questions, feel free to email us at or call toll-free 1-866-992-5425.