Nevada LLC Formation Steps From

Nevada LLC Formation

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How to Form an LLC in Nevada

Nevada LLC formation is handled through the Secretary of State’s office. LLC’s are a good choice for companies looking for the protection from debts that corporations enjoy but don’t want to maintain the vast amounts of paperwork required of corporations.  When you form an LLC in Nevada you also reap the benefits of no state tax and no franchise tax. Nevada is a very good choice for those looking to form an LLC or corporation  because of its lack of taxes.

The steps for forming an LLC in Nevada are:

1. The first step is choosing the name for your LLC. Nevada statutes require that all Nevada LLCs bear one of the approved LLC endings.  The Nevada approved endings are: Limited Liability Company, Limited-Liability Company, Limited Company or Limited. The abbreviations of these endings are also acceptable: LLC, LC, L.L.C., L.C. or Ltd.  Additionally, no Nevada LLC may bear a name that is the same or too similar to any existing Nevada LLC. It is permitted to use the name of an inactive or terminated Nevada LLC.  Certain words are not allowable as part of your company without permission. Check with the Nevada Secretary of State’s website for a listing or, can perform a name search for you.

2. The second step in forming a Nevada LLC is to fill out and file the Articles of Organization in their entirety, following all rules, regulations and requirements including all fees associated with becoming a Nevada LLC.  

There are a few steps involved in filling out the Nevada Articles of Organization, but by and large the steps mentioned above are all it takes to become a Nevada LLC. can file your Nevada Articles of Organization for you, making the process quick and easy for you.  

If you have questions, feel free to email us at or call toll-free 1-866-992-5425.