California Incorporation Fees from

California Incorporation Fee

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Filing Fees Required to Incorporate in California

The California Incorporation fee is set by the California Secretary of State. All fees must be paid at the time of filing your California articles of incorporation. Failure to pay all fees when filing the articles of incorporation will result in a delay and possible denial of your request. All fees and forms can be remitted to the California Secretary of State via mail or by walking into one of California’s six regional offices during normal business hours. Make things easier and have file your California Articles of Incorporation and all fees for you.

Incorporation fees in California are pretty reasonable. For stock or close corporations the fee is $100.00. If you deliver your articles of incorporation to the main Sacramento office or any of the six regional offices, a $15.00 special handling fee is added to the $100.00. The special handling fee will be $15.00 per article of incorporation and will be retained by the State whether your request for incorporation is granted or rejected.

The fee for filing an amendment to the California Articles of Incorporation is $30.00. A California general corporation is subject to the state’s franchise tax. A corporation can expect to pay a minimum franchise tax of $800.00. If you choose to dissolve your corporation, there is no filing fee. A merger between two corporations carries a $100.00 fee while a merger between a corporation and another type of business entity such as an LLC has a $150.00 fee. Two certified copies of your Articles of Incorporation will be provided to you without charge. You must provide these copies to the Secretary of State or regional office at the time of filing your original articles of incorporation. Additional certified copies beyond two will have an $8.00 fee attached.

A full list of the fees associated with filing your California Articles of Incorporation can be found on the California Secretary of State’s website. can also file your California articles of incorporation for you.