About North Carolina DBAs

A DBA—which stands for Doing Business As—is known as an Assumed Name in North Carolina. Both incorporated entities, such as corporations or LLCs, and unincorporated entities, such as individuals or general partners, will file their North Carolina assumed name at the county level—there are no state filings for assumed names regardless of the ownership structure.

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How to File an Assumed Name In North Carolina

To file a North Carolina Assumed Name, you must complete the application for a Certificate of Assumed Name. The name you choose to file must be available in the county in which you’re filing—we recommend that you perform a DBA name search before filing so you know from the beginning if the name is already in use.

Each county provides a unique form for filing Assumed Names, but the information typically contained on these forms is as follows:

  • The Assumed Name—the name under which you would like to do business
  • The owner—the person(s) or entity(ies) doing business under the Assumed Name
  • Business address
  • Owner’s address
  • Signature of owner/representative of owner

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North Carolina Startup Quicklinks

For information on other types of businesses in North Carolina, please explore the links below.