Hawaii DBA Filings

A DBA, somtimes called a Trade Name in Hawaii, is a type of business registration available to individuals (called sole proprietors), corporations, partnerships, LLCs, limited liability partnerships, and other entities.

Whenever a person, corporation, or other entity does business in Hawaii under a name other than its own legal name, it can file as a trade name with the BREG, the Business Registration Division of the Secretary of State's office (located in Honolulu).

While the state does not strictly require a DBA filing, it does strongly suggest it, as it establishes use of the name and provides a record of what names are already in use, which can cut down on the potential to infringe on someone else's trademark.

Hawaii trade names are good for 5 years—but if the DBA itself is not used within 1 year of registration, the registration can be revoked. They are registered in accordance with Chapter 482 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes.

Application for Registration of DBA in Hawaii (Form T-1)

The registration form for a Hawaii DBA requires the following information:

  1. The name of the applicant (sole proprietor, corporation, etc.)
  2. The address of the applicant
  3. The status of the applicant: sole proprietor, corporation, partnership, LLC, LLP, Unincorporated Association, or other
  4. If the applicant is a business entity, the state in which it was formed
  5. Trade name
  6. Applicant is: Originator of name / Assignee of name
  7. Nature of business to be conducted under the trade name

In addition to the information above, the Application for Registration of Trade Name form (state form T-1) must be signed by the sole proprietor or an authorized officer or member/manager of the business entity.

Once state form T-1 is registered with the BREG in Honolulu, the state will issue you a Certificate of Registration of Trade Name, dated and stamped by the Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. This Certificate will contain your filing information, and it is typically a document your bank needs in order to open a business bank account under your DBA name.

Other DBA Requirements

In addition to the DBA filing, there are a few other things the BREG/Secretary of State's Office require.

Name Availability

Filing a trade name in Hawaii does not indicate ownership of the name. The state has no responsibility to clear the legal use of the name; in fact, it specifically directs the person filing for the DBA to search the phone books of each island, as well as with the city directories and the Department of Taxation.

If the person filing for the DBA infringes on someone's trademark, the BREG will not get involved in a legal issue between the owners of the two similar names.

Trade Name Renewal

If a DBA continues to do business after the 5 years for which the initial registration allows, use of the name can be renewed by filing another application within 6 months of the expiration date.

How We Can Help

Click&Inc makes trade name registration simple. Just give us some basic information about your business, and we'll do the rest—saving you time and doing it right. Contact us with your questions and let's get started!

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Other Businesses in Hawaii

Not sure if a DBA in Hawaii is right for you? Take a look at the links below to learn about other types of businesses available in the state. Aloha!